Friday, January 15, 2016

Second Hand Rose

Funny Girl -- A musical portraying the life of Fanny Brice - Starring Barbra Streisand

This is by far one of the greatest musicals ever written.  One of Fanny Brice's signature songs is called Second Hand Rose - performed in the above clip by Barbra Streisand, who is quite possibly the greatest singer of all time (in my opinion).

The song, Second Hand Rose, is about a woman who is the victim of hand-me-downs, used pianos, and even a previously married man.  "Even Jake the plumber, he's the man I adore.  He had the nerve to tell me he's been married before..."

This song seems to be the story of my life.

I just deleted a very long blog entry about my life being like Second Hand Rose... then I realized it sounded like a big ol' complaint.  I hate negativity, so I deleted it!  Why should I be negative?

It's not so bad being the second born child... you always get hand me downs.  Heck, I just recently received a hand me down Coach bag from a friend at work.  Second Hand stuff is AWESOME!

It's not so bad being second in command at work... there's always someone higher up to take the heat off of you!

Remember, one man's trash is another man's treasure.  I've been used, abused, beaten, and forgotten... but God still loves me, just as I am.  That's good enough for me.

"From Second Avenue.... New?"

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