Wednesday, February 17, 2016

That Novel

Oh how novel.... you're writing a novel?

When I was in college MANY years ago, I had to write a script for a movie as a final project.  These are projects you get as a film major!  Ha!

Everyone loved my story line.  Several suggested I turn it into a novel. So began my journey of writing a book I titled, "Beyond Desperate."  It's a romantic murder mystery type story that sits in my brain and has yet to make it to paper.

Back in October, I stood in the cold waiting for my daughter's Halloween parade to start.  A father standing nearby saw me with a book in my hand and started a conversation.  He asked if I was an avid reader and what types of books I enjoy.  He then suggested a book he thought I might like.  He had written the book himself and had it published about a year before.  

I was thrilled.  We talked about writing and I mentioned that I love to write but that I simply could not seem to get the ball rolling on that novel.  He suggested that I set a small goal of writing 500 words a day, every day, even if it's nonsense.  Then, eventually, the words will begin to flow.

I have a new goal for this year.  I'm going to work on that novel... I'm not sure if it will be the one I originally planned, or something new, or some fun hybrid of old and new ideas... but I'm going to write that novel!!!


Ok.  I'm done.  Bye.

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