Here's my typical day.....
Butt crack of dawn:
- Wake up to child climbing in bed with me and chattering about everything under the sun.
- Get up.
- Feed children.
- While they eat, dress myself.
- Clean and dress children
- Wake husband (not an easy task)
- Pry children off of legs while I attempt to leave for work.
At work:
- Answer the phone and deal with unhappy, screaming person who has lost money in the stock market.
- Repeat step 1 for the next 8 hours.
Returning home:
- Greet children at the door.
- Send husband to bed.
- Feed children (note: feeding children rarely includes feeding self)
- Break up fights between children.
- Follow the bedtime routine to the letter in attempt to not disrupt the delicate nature of my autistic daughter.
- Wake husband to go to work.
- Repeat step 6 about 5 times.
- Put eldest child back in bed.
- Repeat step 8 about 3 times.
- Kiss husband goodbye.
The last few hours of the day are spent doing homework for my graduate level classes, laundry, light clean up, and squeezing in some valuable knitting/TV time. I'm very fortunate that my dearest husband does most of the cleaning while he is home during the day. He's a very good man.
Now... remind me again why I'm stressed? Better yet, give me an idea as to how to NOT eat when stressed? I've avoided a lot of the stress eating by picking up a fiber project when I get the urge to chow down, but it doesn't always work. It's too easy to knit one, purl two , pop a few candy corns, knit one, purl two, etc.
This is my day to day life. I've got to find a better way to fight the stress. Any ideas?
I dont see anywhere in this blog where you mentioned that you skipped out on the pizza that they brought us at work...the one that seemed to be unlimited AND only 20 feet from where were sit.